

To run, maintain or assist any educational or other institution for coaching, guidance, counselling or vocational training or to grant individual scholarships for poor, deserving and needy students for elementary or higher education. To conduct Adult education classes for Senior citizens, women or any interested person and to support any organisation or initiative which cater to providing educational support to children or adults. To give financial or other assistance in kind or by way of payment of school/college fees, distribution of books, notebooks, cloths, uniformsetc for students in need.


To run, maintain or assist any medical institution, nursing home or clinics or to grant assistance to needy and indigent persons for meeting the cost of medical treatment including diagnostic testing and medicines. To conduct Donor programs like Blood donation and Organ donation. To conduct Awareness and Early Detection programs for Aids, Diabetes, Cancer and other diseases. To fund Research activities and initiatives to find cures for various diseases and for scientific developments. To establish hospices, palliative centres and senior citizens homes to care for the sick and elderly.

Post calamity relief

To give financial or other assistance in kind or by way of food, clothing and shelter to the poor and indigent and to the persons who are the victims of natural calamities. To set up relief centres for women in distress, orphans, senior citizens and to reach out to the community at large in any manner that is appropriate.

Society & Environment

To provide sanitation facilities and to aid in garbage disposal. To support and initiate programs to protect the environment and endangered species.


To conduct Awareness/self protection programs in basic Self-defense techniques, with regard to rights when sexually or physically assaulted or molested, birth control and marital issues


Support to abandoned children including rehabilitation, relocation, return to parents or finding foster homes.

Other focus-areas of general public utility

  • To acquire property for the sole purpose of public good by making it available for public purposes, for example, low cost housing, library, clinic, crèche and/or as a community hall so as to be available for public use such as training classes, seminars, lectures, discourses and other public functions for benefit of the community in general.
    • To undertake any other activity incidental to the above activities but which are not inconsistent with the above objects.
  • To support initiatives like Swatch Bharat, Shelter for Policemen, and such other programs which benefit the overall nation at large, including the constituents, right up to the neighbourhood.
  • Distribution of utilities/gifts/ used clothing on festivals, birthdays, anniversaries of Donors at orphanages, old age homes, homes or institutions for the differently abled etc.

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